Moduli, Integrability and Dynamics
May 30 - June 3, 2016
The aim of the conference is to bring together specialists in the theory of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces, both analysts and geometers, who are interested in applications to mathematical physics (integrable systems, matrix models), dynamics (flat billiards, Teichmueller flow) and combinatorics (Hurwitz numbers, Gromov-Witten invariants). The idea is to foster interactions among the researchers using different methods and working in different fields of mathematics, but ultimately dealing with various moduli spaces. These interactions can help to design new mathematical tools and to achieve new progress in the above mentioned fields. In particular, this can lead to a better understanding of the algebro-geometric aspects of integrability, two-dimensional dynamics and combinatorics of graphs on surfaces, as well as their interrelationships.
Participation by invitation only