
List of research papers resulting from work conducted at IML:

2024 – Random Matrices and Scaling Limits

2024 – Analytic Number Theory

2023 – Order and Randomness in Partial Differential Equations

2023 – Two Dimensional Maps

2022 – Geometric Aspects of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

2022 – Higher algebraic structures in algebra, topology and geometry

2021 – Moduli and Algebraic Cycles

2020 – Knots, Strings, Symplectic Geometry and Dualities

2020 – Algebraic and Enumerative Combinatorics

2019 – General Relativity, Geometry and Analysis: beyond the first 100 years after Einstein

2019 – Spectral Methods in Mathematical Physics

2018 – Mathematical Biology

2018 – Tropical Geometry, Amoebas and Polytopes

We kindly ask you to acknowledge Institut Mittag-Leffler when submitting preprints resulting from work conducted in connection to your visit. Example of acknowledgement phrase: “This material is based upon work supported by the Swedish Research Council under grant no. 2021-06594 while the author was in residence at Institut Mittag-Leffler in Djursholm, Sweden during the semester/year of XXXX…”