Random Matrices and Scaling Limits

August 28 - December 13, 2024

Random matrix theory has its origin in mathematical statistics and quantum physics, and has seen a very strong development in the last 30 years. It has become very diversified with connections to many parts of mathematics including probabilistic models of a statistical mechanical nature, statistics, interacting particle systems, stochastic partial differential equations, enumerative geometry, combinatorics, representation theory, number theory, spectral theory, special functions, integrable systems and random graphs. Applications come from many areas like quantum and statistical physics, quantum information theory, statistics, machine learning and data science, telecommunications and more.  Inspiration and new interesting models come from many areas and the program aims to bring together people with different competencies hopefully leading to cross-fertilization, and new developments on some of the central mathematical problems. The emphasis of the program is towards the analytical aspects of the field, in particular the establishing of natural scaling limits and their properties. The main themes of the workshop include:

  • Random growth models and KPZ-universality
  • Dimer models and random tilings
  • Gaussian multiplicative chaos and the Gaussian Free Field
  • Universality and limit theorems in random matrix ensembles 

We aim to have 2-4 weekly seminars and/or other scientific activities throughout the program. There will also be two focus weeks with a more intensive schedule about two talks a day. These focus weeks are scheduled for September 2 – 6, 2024 and October 14 – 18, 2024.

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