Quantum Fields and Probability
August 8 - August 12, 2022
Quantum field theories (QFTs) have been successfully applied to model and analyze diverse physical phenomena such as critical behavior in statistical mechanics and interactions of fundamental particles. However, except in special cases, the rigorous mathematical understanding of QFTs — including fundamental questions about their very construction — remains limited. This workshop aims to explore and develop the mathematical underpinnings of QFT from a probabilistic perspective. We will focus on current developments based on a detailed understanding of the Gaussian free field, viewpoints from random geometry, as well as recent advances on discrete models, including lattice gauge theories.
Seminars Scroll to the next upcoming seminar
SLE/GFF coupling, zipping up, and quantum length/area August 08 09:30 - 10:30 -
Characterising the Gaussian free field August 08 11:00 - 12:00 Characterising the Gaussian free field
Exact probabilities for some topological events for metric graph GFF August 08 14:00 - 15:00 Exact probabilities for some topological events for metric graph GFF
The conformal blocks for Liouville theory and Virasoro algebra August 08 15:15 - 16:15 The conformal blocks for Liouville theory and Virasoro algebra
Deconfining transition for U(1) lattice gauge theory on the Nishimori line August 09 09:30 - 10:30 Deconfining transition for U(1) lattice gauge theory on the Nishimori line
Wilson lines in lattice gauge theories August 09 11:00 - 12:00 Wilson lines in lattice gauge theories
Interplay between the GFF and the O(N) model August 09 14:00 - 15:00 Interplay between the GFF and the O(N) model
Gauge & Strings August 09 15:15 - 16:15 Gauge & Strings
Holography and the Loewner energy August 10 14:00 - 15:00 Holography and the Loewner energy
TBA August 10 15:15 - 16:15 TBA
Probabilistic approach to irregular fields of rank one in Liouville theory August 10 16:15 - 17:15 Probabilistic approach to irregular fields of rank one in Liouville theory
Some results related to non-Abelian correlation inequalities for invariant observables August 11 09:30 - 10:30 Some results related to non-Abelian correlation inequalities for invariant observables
Ising bulk and boundary CFTs from the lattice via discrete holomorphicity August 11 11:00 - 12:00 Ising bulk and boundary CFTs from the lattice via discrete holomorphicity
The Arboreal Gas August 11 14:00 - 15:00 The Arboreal Gas
2D Euclidean Fields: Some Recent Results and Future Directions August 11 15:15 - 16:15 2D Euclidean Fields: Some Recent Results and Future Directions
On crossing probabilities in critical random-cluster models August 12 09:30 - 10:30 On crossing probabilities in critical random-cluster models
A representation theoretic construction of (irregular) WZW conformal blocks August 12 11:00 - 12:00 A representation theoretic construction of (irregular) WZW conformal blocks
Name | University | Country | Arrival and Departure |
Abdesselam Abdelmalek | University: University of Virginia | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Morris Ang (Online) | University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Juhan Aru | University: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne | Country: Switzerland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Nikolay Barashkov | University: University of Helsinki | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Guillaume Baverez | University: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Michael Benedicks | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Nathanael Berestycki (Online) | University: University of Vienna | Country: Austria | Arrival and Departure: - |
Federico Camia | University: NYU Abu Dhabi | Country: United Arab Emirates | Arrival and Departure: - |
Baptiste Cerclé | University: Université Paris-Saclay | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Malin P. Forsström | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Malin Forsström | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Christophe Garban | University: Université Lyon 1 | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Promit Ghosal (Online) | University: Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Colin Guillarmou | University: University of Paris Saclay | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Vladislav Guskov | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Tyler Helmuth | University: Durham University | Country: United Kingdom | Arrival and Departure: - |
Nina Holden | University: ETH Zürich / New York University | Country: Switzerland / United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Junnila Janne | University: | Country: | Arrival and Departure: - |
Kurt Johansson | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alex Karrila | University: Åbo Akademi University | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Gady Kozma | University: Weizmann Institute of Science | Country: Israel | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ellen Krusell | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Antti Kupiainen | University: University of Helsinki | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Kalle Kytölä | University: Aalto University | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Edwin Langmann | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Greg Lawler | University: University of Chicago | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Jonatan Lenells | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Thierry Lévy | University: Sorbonne Université | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Peter Lin | University: Stony Brook University | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Titus Lupu | University: CNRS and Sorbonne Université | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Joona Oikarinen | University: University of Helsinki | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Eveliina Peltola | University: Aalto University / University of Bonn | Country: Finland / Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Ellen Powell | University: Durham University | Country: United Kingdom | Arrival and Departure: - |
Gabriele Rembado | University: University of Bonn | Country: Germany | Arrival and Departure: - |
Julien Roussillon | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Eero Saksman | University: University of Helsinki | Country: Finland | Arrival and Departure: - |
Lukas Schoug | University: University of Cambridge | Country: United Kingdom | Arrival and Departure: - |
Avelio Sepulveda | University: University of Chile | Country: Chile | Arrival and Departure: - |
Alan Sola | University: Stockholm University | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Jeffrey Steif (Online) | University: Chalmers University of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Xin Sun (Online) | University: University of Pennsylvania | Country: United States | Arrival and Departure: - |
Fredrik Viklund | University: KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Country: Sweden | Arrival and Departure: - |
Yilin Wang | University: Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Qian Wei | University: Université Paris-Saclay | Country: France | Arrival and Departure: - |
Wei Wu | University: New York University Shanghai | Country: China | Arrival and Departure: - |