Symplectic topology and ideal-valued measures

Date: 2022-06-30

Time: 11:00 - 12:00


Leonid Polterovich


We adapt Gromov’s notion of ideal-valued measures to symplectic topology by using Varolgunes’ relative symplectic cohomology. This leads to a unified viewpoint at three “big fiber theorems”: the Centerpoint Theorem in combinatorial geometry, the Maximal Fiber Inequality in topology, and the Non-displaceable Fiber Theorem in symplectic topology, and yields applications to symplectic rigidity. Joint work with Adi Dickstein, Yaniv Ganor, and Frol Zapolsky.

We adapt Gromov’s notion of ideal-valued measures to symplectic topology by using
Varolgunes’ relative symplectic cohomology. This leads to a unified viewpoint at three “big fiber theorems”: the Centerpoint Theorem in combinatorial geometry, the Maximal Fiber Inequality in topology, and the Non-displaceable Fiber Theorem in symplectic topology, and yields applications to symplectic rigidity. Joint work with Adi Dickstein, Yaniv Ganor, and Frol Zapolsky.